Abu Zaabal Fertilizer & Chemical Co. | Arab Fertilizer Association

Abu Zaabal Fertilizer & Chemical Co.

  • General assembly member
  • Membership category: Ordinary Members
  • Chairman: Dr. Sherif Mostafa El-Gabaly
  • General manager: Eng. Abdelsalam El-Gabaly
  • Email: admin
  • Country: Egypt


Dr. Sherif Mostafa El-Gabaly

Vice President

Eng. Abdelsalam El-Gabaly

Company details

AZFC was established in 1947. We produce concentrated Sulfuric Acid 98 % as raw material to
produce Phosphate Fertilizers by the reaction with Rock Phosphate.
The main products are:
- Single Super Phosphate 18 % & 20 % (Powder and Granular)
- Triple Super Phosphate 46 % & 40 % (Powder and Granular)
- Agricultural Phosphoric Acid 80 %
- Sulfuric Acid 98 %
- NPK as 2-20-20 & 0-20-20 & 7-14-7
- Triple Super Phosphate 0-40-0 + 5 S
Now we make developments to improve our products as products with micro nutrients as Zn,
Mn, Cu, B. And also, improve Phosphoric Acid product to be less in Fe, F and So4 to produce
DCP, MCP to use it in industrial processes.